The Conversation Must Continue, Alongside of Action

Dear White Bostonians,

At SchoolFacts Boston, we have been emphasizing the need for white people to start conversations on race and to keep them going, especially conversations at home and in our schools. Hopefully, such conversations create a clear understanding of racism, its deep-seated presence in America, and the many ways it destroys lives. Having these conversations can become the basis for us to turn our words into anti-racist actions that stand to change our society.

The very conversations we are encouraging must also take place within SchoolFacts Boston itself, and within the broader nonprofit sector. We cannot truly empower the voices of Boston families, especially Boston families of color, if our entire organization does not authentically originate with, reflect, and empower Boston families. There are many ways we do this already, but as a founder of SchoolFacts Boston and as a white man, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that there are many ways we must also improve.

For any of our conversations on race to matter as white people, we should feel uncomfortable about the status quo. This includes conversations within and about the status quo in the nonprofit sector. These two articles, shared with me by friends of color, made me uncomfortable and defensive at first. Upon further reflection, I have decided to use these articles to reframe my thinking and to start a conversation within SchoolFacts Boston as our team comes together to ensure that our values are reflected in all that we do, both internally and externally.

I look forward to updating you on our conversations and actions as we move forward.


John Connolly
SchoolFacts Boston


Further reading:

How White People Conquered the Nonprofit Industry

How Nonprofit and Philanthropy’s Lack of Imagination is a Barrier to Equity and Justice